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Pokemon Adventure Beta Quick Start:
-move to place yourself in the world if you haven't played before, and to check your current location.

You start out with no items and no pokedollars; your first order of business should be to wander around the map collecting items. You can get items from spinning pokestops at cities, and also on the ground while moving around.

You gain 6 action points every hour. Lighter areas on the map are more difficult to traverse (more AP per pixel).

-move n 10 to move north 10 squares
-move 100 200 to move to coordinates 100, 200
-move plain to move towards Plain City. (current city names: Angel, Rain, Plain, Mine, Wind, Fat, Bluff.) -move to show additional map info, such as biomes at your location, city locations, and current pokestop spin cooldowns.
-spin will spin a nearby pokestop if you're in a city, giving pokedollars or poke balls, and potentially some berries as well.

Farming & selling berries and spinning pokestops are currently the best way to consistently get money.

-berry new to make a new berry plot. The first 3 are free.
-berry plant sitrus to plant a sitrus berry.
-berry water to water your plots.

You get 25 water every hour to start. Catching more pokemon will give you +5 water per hour per "trainer level". (Level progression is based on triangular numbers * 5: first levelup happens at 5 caught, then 15, 30, 50, 75, 105, 140, 180 etc)

-berry dig 1 to dig out your first plot once fully grown (stage 4)
(-berry with no subcommands to see all berry commands)
-sell 5 sitrus berry to sell items (note that full item name must be used here)
-buy poke ball 2 to buy 2 poke balls
-radar to search for a pokemon in the area (the spawns will change as you `-move` around!)
-flee to disengage from a pokemon encounter
-throw citrus to throw a citrus berry
-throw poke to throw a poke ball (-throw poke 10 to quickly throw up to 10 poke balls)

You can have up to 6 unboxed pokemon; see -help poke for pokemon management functions.

-poke rename 123 Bob Rename pokemon with ID# 123 to Bob.
-poke feed 3 cheri 123 feed 3 cheri berries to your pokemon with ID# 123. You can also use an assigned nickname here.
-poke assign Water 123 Assign pokemon 123 to water duty. The assignment will last for as long as they have food, then it ends. (So feed them first!)

Advanced Techniques:

-move will list the distance to the nearest item over 5 days old with accuracy to 2 decimal places. You can use this to try to triangulate your way to an item.
-playerscanner will show the location of players that have been active in the last 3 days.

During a berry's yield-production check, a berry has a chance of mutation (based on its health) if an adjacent moist plot with 25-99% progress has a berry of the same type ID minus seven. If a mutation happens, the new berry's ID will be 6 greater than the host berry plant. For instance, a pecha berry (#3) planted next to a sitrus berry (#10) will have a chance of producing some extra razz berries (#16)!

 id |     name      | time | min | max |   natgift    | spicy | dry | sweet | bitter | sour
  1 | Cheri Berry   |   72 |   4 |  20 | FireType     |    15 |   0 |     0 |      0 |   -5
  2 | Chesto Berry  |   72 |   4 |  20 | WaterType    |    -5 |  15 |     0 |      0 |    0
  3 | Pecha Berry   |   72 |   4 |  20 | ElectricType |     0 |  -5 |    15 |      0 |    0
  4 | Rawst Berry   |   72 |   4 |  20 | GrassType    |     0 |   0 |    -5 |     15 |    0
  5 | Aspear Berry  |   72 |   4 |  20 | IceType      |     0 |   0 |     0 |     -5 |   15
  6 | Leppa Berry   |   96 |   3 |  22 | FightingType |    10 |   0 |    10 |     10 |   10
  7 | Oran Berry    |   96 |   4 |  20 | PoisonType   |    10 |  10 |     0 |     10 |   10
  8 | Persim Berry  |   96 |   4 |  20 | GroundType   |    10 |  10 |    10 |      0 |   10
  9 | Lum Berry     |  288 |   2 |  18 | FlyingType   |    10 |  10 |    10 |     10 |    0
 10 | Sitrus Berry  |  192 |   3 |  22 | PsychicType  |     0 |  10 |    10 |     10 |   10
 11 | Figy Berry    |  120 |   3 |  15 | BugType      |    20 |   0 |     0 |      0 |   -5
 12 | Wiki Berry    |  120 |   3 |  15 | RockType     |    -5 |  20 |     0 |      0 |    0
 13 | Mago Berry    |  120 |   3 |  15 | GhostType    |     0 |  -5 |    20 |      0 |    0
 14 | Aguav Berry   |  120 |   3 |  15 | DragonType   |     0 |   0 |    -5 |     20 |    0
 15 | Iapapa Berry  |  120 |   3 |  15 | DarkType     |     0 |   0 |     0 |     -5 |   20
 16 | Razz Berry    |   72 |   4 |  16 | SteelType    |    10 |  15 |     0 |      0 |   -5
 17 | Bluk Berry    |   72 |   4 |  16 | FireType     |    -5 |  10 |    15 |      0 |    0
 18 | Nanab Berry   |   72 |   4 |  16 | WaterType    |     0 |  -5 |    10 |     15 |    0
 19 | Wepear Berry  |   72 |   4 |  16 | ElectricType |     0 |   0 |    -5 |     10 |   15
 20 | Pinap Berry   |   72 |   4 |  16 | GrassType    |    15 |   0 |     0 |     -5 |   10
 21 | Pomeg Berry   |  192 |   2 |  26 | IceType      |    10 |   0 |     0 |      0 |  -25
 22 | Kelpsy Berry  |  192 |   2 |  26 | FightingType |   -25 |  10 |     0 |      0 |    0
 23 | Qualot Berry  |  192 |   2 |  26 | PoisonType   |     0 | -25 |    10 |      0 |    0
 24 | Hondew Berry  |  192 |   2 |  26 | GroundType   |     0 |   0 |   -25 |     10 |    0
 25 | Grepa Berry   |  192 |   2 |  26 | FlyingType   |     0 |   0 |     0 |    -25 |   10
 26 | Tamato Berry  |  192 |   2 |  26 | PsychicType  |    25 |  15 |     0 |      0 |  -10
 27 | Cornn Berry   |  144 |   3 |  15 | BugType      |   -10 |  25 |    15 |      0 |    0
 28 | Magost Berry  |  144 |   3 |  15 | RockType     |     0 | -10 |    25 |     15 |    0
 29 | Rabuta Berry  |  144 |   3 |  15 | GhostType    |     0 |   0 |   -10 |     25 |   15
 30 | Nomel Berry   |  144 |   3 |  15 | DragonType   |    15 |   0 |     0 |    -10 |   25
 31 | Spelon Berry  |  360 |   3 |  15 | DarkType     |    45 |  15 |     0 |      0 |  -20
 32 | Pamtre Berry  |  360 |   3 |  15 | SteelType    |   -20 |  45 |    15 |      0 |    0
 33 | Watmel Berry  |  360 |   3 |  15 | FireType     |     0 | -20 |    45 |     15 |    0
 34 | Durin Berry   |  360 |   3 |  15 | WaterType    |     0 |   0 |   -20 |     45 |   15
 35 | Belue Berry   |  360 |   3 |  15 | ElectricType |    15 |   0 |     0 |    -20 |   45
 36 | Occa Berry    |  432 |   2 |  10 | FireType     |    25 |  -5 |    15 |      0 |    0
 37 | Passho Berry  |  432 |   2 |  10 | WaterType    |     0 |  25 |    -5 |     15 |    0
 38 | Wacan Berry   |  432 |   2 |  10 | ElectricType |     0 |   0 |    25 |     -5 |   15
 39 | Rindo Berry   |  432 |   2 |  10 | GrassType    |    15 |   0 |     0 |     25 |   -5
 40 | Yache Berry   |  432 |   2 |  10 | IceType      |    -5 |  15 |     0 |      0 |   25
 41 | Chople Berry  |  432 |   2 |  10 | FightingType |    25 |   0 |     0 |     15 |   -5
 42 | Kebia Berry   |  432 |   2 |  10 | PoisonType   |    -5 |  25 |     0 |      0 |   15
 43 | Shuca Berry   |  432 |   2 |  10 | GroundType   |    15 |  -5 |    25 |      0 |    0
 44 | Coba Berry    |  432 |   2 |  10 | FlyingType   |     0 |  15 |    -5 |     25 |    0
 45 | Payapa Berry  |  432 |   2 |  10 | PsychicType  |     0 |   0 |    15 |     -5 |   25
 46 | Tanga Berry   |  432 |   2 |  10 | BugType      |    35 |   0 |     0 |     -5 |   15
 47 | Charti Berry  |  432 |   2 |  10 | RockType     |    15 |  35 |     0 |      0 |   -5
 48 | Kasib Berry   |  432 |   2 |  10 | GhostType    |    -5 |  15 |    35 |      0 |    0
 49 | Haban Berry   |  432 |   2 |  10 | DragonType   |     0 |  -5 |    15 |     35 |    0
 50 | Colbur Berry  |  432 |   2 |  10 | DarkType     |     0 |   0 |    -5 |     15 |   35
 51 | Babiri Berry  |  432 |   2 |  10 | SteelType    |    40 | -10 |    20 |     -5 |   20
 52 | Chilan Berry  |  432 |   2 |  10 | NormalType   |   -20 |  40 |   -10 |     20 |  -20
 53 | Liechi Berry  |  576 |   2 |  13 | GrassType    |    50 | -10 |    40 |     -5 |  -15
 54 | Ganlon Berry  |  576 |   2 |  13 | IceType      |   -20 |  50 |   -10 |     40 |    0
 55 | Salac Berry   |  576 |   2 |  13 | FightingType |     0 | -20 |    50 |    -10 |   40
 56 | Petaya Berry  |  576 |   2 |  13 | PoisonType   |    50 |   0 |   -20 |     50 |  -10
 57 | Apicot Berry  |  576 |   2 |  13 | GroundType   |   -10 |  50 |     0 |    -20 |   50
 58 | Lansat Berry  |  576 |   1 |   7 | FlyingType   |    30 |  10 |    30 |     10 |   30
 59 | Starf Berry   |  576 |   1 |   7 | PsychicType  |    30 |  10 |    30 |     10 |   30
 60 | Enigma Berry  |  576 |   1 |  13 | BugType      |    50 |  10 |     0 |      0 |   -5
 61 | Micle Berry   |  576 |   1 |  13 | RockType     |    -5 |  50 |    10 |      0 |    0
 62 | Custap Berry  |  576 |   1 |  13 | GhostType    |     0 |  -5 |    50 |     10 |    0
 63 | Jaboca Berry  |  576 |   1 |  13 | DragonType   |     0 |   0 |    -5 |     50 |   10
 64 | Rowap Berry   |  576 |   1 |  13 | DarkType     |    10 |   0 |     0 |     -5 |   50
 65 | Roseli Berry  |  432 |   2 |  10 | FairyType    |    50 | -10 |    50 |     -5 |  -15
 66 | Kee Berry     |  576 |   2 |  13 | FairyType    |     5 |   5 |     5 |      5 |    5
 67 | Maranga Berry |  576 |   2 |  13 | DarkType     |     5 |   5 |     5 |      5 |    5


Each chemical (Spicy, Dry, Sweet, Bitter, Sour) is an axis, rather than a quantity, somewhat like pH - it can go positive and negative, and no special value is placed on negative vs positive in terms of formulas and interactions, other than the vast majority of berries have an overall positive chemical/flavor profile.

Every hour, we calculate P/T (Plot over Type) value for each chemical in each plot, a value defined by the amount of that chemical in the plot divided by the amount of chemical that plant wants.
A berry will always have a P/T value of zero for every chemical it does not produce/desire.
We then look at all five P/T values and count a running total, called Q: (stopping after the first appropriate item below):
- for every P/T at least 20, subtract 1 from the total,
- for every P/T at least 10, do nothing to the total,
- for every P/T at least 1, add 1 to the total,
- for every P/T at least 0, do nothing to the total,
- for every P/T at least -10, subtract 1 from the total,
- for all other values, subtract 2 from the value.
Therefore, a P/T value at least 1 but less than 10 is most desirable.

This Q sum is then clamped to a value between -3 and 3, and multiplied by (1000 / ([berry type growth time]/2+36)) to get the final health variance per hour. (listed as "from soil" in -berry test)

Every hour, a berry spreads the negative of its chemistry profile to its own plot, as well as adjacent plots at half strength. That means putting same-typed berries in the same plot, or the same plot after harvesting, will tend to be worse than rotating crops.

It gives me a headache just trying to think down to your level.